domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

All known Halo 4 Weapons

We hope 343 Industries does something great with Halo 4 weapons. For now, we know only a few of them, here they are:

UNSC Weapons:

Rocket Pistol:

As seen in the first trailer, a cross between a magnum and a rocket launcher, its a muzzle-loaded single-shot explosive weapon used by the chief to escape the burning Forward onto Dawn.

Stationary turret:

As seen at the left of this image, it looks like a turret, who knows.


We dont know if the covenant will be at Halo 4, so we have no weapons in here.


The only three forerunner weapons known to date are:

Sentinel Beam:

A weapon dropped by a Sentinel, it shoots a blue beam at it can overheat quickly.


A piece of equipment from halo 3 that shoots players automaticaly.

Pulse Beam:

A weapon that fires small burst of beams, used by the enforcers.


We dont know what weapons may precursors have, this image from the las part of the Concept Art trailer show what could be a precursor holding a laser like weapon:

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Halo 4 - Possible new enemy info

We have seen the last part of the trailer put together (If you havent here it is:)
So, we can see here that our "new enemy" is a biped, has "alien" arms and has a red laser in the shoulder. That red laser is like the one from the spartan laser, but, as you can see in this image:

There are three lasers in this pic, so what other weapon or thing can make this awesome red laser, well, only one, the one you all hate from Halo 3. The Guardian Sentinel.
The Guardian Sentinel is a special sentinel designed to protect or limit areas to other living beings, his red eye whas a powerfull laser that could be used as a weapon if he was killed. The Guardian Sentinel was originally set to appear as a fighting enemy in a campaign level that later became a multiplayer level Guardian but was removed, and featured in The Art of Halo 3.
So it maybe means that this is a Guardian Sentinel, or someone using him as a weapon. By the way he stands and the shape of his arms, i personnaly think it is the Arbiter. But, if you look closely, you'll notice that the arms are not holding the weapon, but, Precursors had four arms, this could mean that the image is from a precursor holding a Guardian Sentinel or another weapon with his upper hands. Thats all for today, post your comments about what you think about it.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Halo 4 - Forerunner book image has reference to Halo 4 Concept Art Trailer

Hello there, i found out that this image from the book Halo: Primordium from the Forerunner saga:
Is the same that this one from 343 Industries concept art trailer:
This means many things, first, Halos will appear in Halo 4, at least what looks like a small halo at the right of the both images. Also, maybe this book has to do something with the Halo 4 plot.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Halo 4 - The new enemy

Finally, i've managed to edit the final scene in Photoshop, and it looks like this:
First edition, it doesnt look good, let's Photoshop it:
Now, let's edit it to make it look better:
So that's the new enemy, post your comments about what it could be, personally i think it might be the Arbiter.

Halo 4 HD Concept Art trailer analisys

So, for my first post i'll do an analisys for the new trailer by 343 Industries:

Trailer looks amazing, but it has some things that look interesting, let's start:

1º: The Planet

It looks like a normal planet, but it might indeed be a forerunner shield planet, a planet who has a small planet on the inside. Judging the image, it looks like we could be able to go to both sides of the planet.

2º: The other ship:
This ship is surely not the Forward onto Dawn, What could it be?

3º: Wierd small ship:
This weird ship does not look human or forerunner, who knows.

4º: The Arbiter:

This silhouette is not human, neither Forerunner or Precursos, so, only one left, maybe is the Arbiter, hope so.

5º: Dropships:

 This things look like giant dropships, but neither human or covenant.
 Those look like Pelicans,maybe there is humans after all in Halo 4.
 Lol, Gears of war logo.

6º: Three new ships and posible halo
 These ships look like covenant weapons, also, there are three people in this pic, meaning that Master Chief isn't alone.
This thing here looks like the halo rings as seen fron the inside, who knows.

7º: The strange leg:

No one has realized this, but if you put all the images from the las part together, it doesnt make an armor, but the right leg of someone or somethig:

All parts together (Sorry for the resolution, it was made in a few seconds in paint)